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Coaches Bulletin Board Lake Tahoe Marathon


  Revised Feb. 7, 2002

Tahoe Rim Trail
Join the Mt. Milers during Marathon Race Week for midweek jog on part of the Rim Trail. The 10,000' jog will give you spectacular views.

The Tahoe Rim Trail is nearly complete, circling the Crest of Lake Tahoe.

The South Shore of Lake Tahoe
South Tahoe High School is located near the Y area where Hwy 89 intersects with Highway 50.
Whittell High School is located in Zephyr Cove Nevada.
The South Lake Tahoe Recreation Center is located near El Dorado Beach.
Pick up a Triple A road map for the Tahoe Region.


Casino Core Area of South Lake Tahoe.
Whittell High School is located about 6 miles East from here.
South Tahoe High School about 6 miles west.
South Lake Tahoe Recreation Center or Middle School is about 3 miles west.